2013年10月:Myfavorite job(我最喜欢的工作) 2014年04月:E-books or paper books?(电子书还是纸质书) 2014年10月:My hobby(我的爱好) 2015年04月:I like playing sports(我喜欢运动) 2015年10月:给朋友写电子邮件 2016年04月:Fight against haze(对抗雾霾) 2016年10月:Watching movies at home or in a cinema?(在家还是看电影) 2017年04月:给朋友写电子邮件 2017年10月:Exercise every day(每天锻炼) 2018年04月:给朋友写电子邮件 2018年10月:Lets save water(节约用水) 2019年04月:Live a healthy life(健康生活) 2019年10月:Green transportation(绿色交通) 2020年08月:Springis coming(春天来了) 2020年10月:An unforgettable holiday(一个难忘的节日) 2021年04月:给朋友写电子邮件(介绍中国节日) 2021年10月:Myfavorite Chinese festival(我最喜欢的中国节日) 2022年04月:给朋友写电子邮件(学习中文的建议) 2022年10月:Mydream trip(我的梦想旅行) 2023年04月:给朋友写电子邮件(我刚找到了工作) 2023年10月:My Goal for Near Year(我新年的目标) 书信邮件类是自考英语(二)作文的高频考点,近三年更是每年都考了,同学们一定要重点复习。 节日介绍类的这三年也出现的比较多,但不容易发散,同学们可以背一个固定模板,万一真的考到了直接往里套就可以。 围绕个人而展开的话题也是英语(二)作文的一个出题重点,而且可以发散的点比较多,同学们可以把重点的(比如个人爱好、个人目标、个人工作、个人旅行等)都准备一下,以备不时之需。
Drear , I am sorry to know that you are having trouble in (很难过知道你在…有困难). However the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you(这有些能帮助你的建议). To begin with, why not ?(首先,为什么不…) In addition, wouldn't it be a good idea if you? Just as a saying goes(俗话说) . Last but not least(最后但也同样重要的是), if I were you, I would ? I hope you will find these ideas useful.(希望这些建议对你有用) Yours, xxx lt's my honor to give you a brief introduction to (很荣幸向你简短地介绍…). Which is located in the east of (它位于...的东面) 。 The climate(气候) here is pleasant neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter(这里气候怡人,冬暖夏凉). It is a place with many famous places of interest and touristattractions(这是一个有着许多名胜古迹和旅游景点的地方) . Not only can you pay a visit to but you can also go (你不仅可以游览...你还可以去......),is a must-see for tourists, as it is well-known at homeand abroad(对于游客来说是必看景点,因为它驰名于海内处). What's more, it is very convenient for you to come to our city by bus(此外,乘坐大巴到我们城市是非常便利的). So you are sure to have a wonderful time in and I hope all of you will enjoy(所以你一定会有一段美好时光,希望你玩的开心). is one of the most important traditional festivals in China (...在中国是最重要的节日之一). Not only is it popular in but it is also celebrated in many other places (不仅在...很盛行,而且在其他的地方也庆祝这个节日). On that day, people usually go back home to have family reunion (团聚) enjoying a large meal with their family members. They will also . It's a family reunion festival when people express best wishes to thebeloved ones at this particular time.(团圆的节日一个人们表达对所爱之人表达美好祝愿的特殊日子。) Dear , It is with great pleasure that recommend to you (推荐的事物),which (推荐的概括性理由) . The reasons for my recommendation are as follovos.For one thing, (理由一) .For another (理由二). I hope my recommendation is helpful。 I'm looking forwand to discussing more with you after you (使用推荐的事物). Yours sincerely xx Dear xxx, I am xxx. How are you doing these days? It's almost two months since we met each other last time.I miss you a lot.(我是xxx,最近好么?上一次相见已经两个月了。我很想你。)I'm writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met with many difficulties in (在某件事上存在困难) . First ,Besides ,What's more ,Last but not the least ,(首先…,其次…,另外…,最后…)I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to do . I believe I can with your help.(我真的希望在如何…方面你能给我一些好的建议。在你的帮助下,我认为我可以.....) I would be grateful if you could give me some advice/help. Best wishes! xx Drear , How are you getting on with your life and work? I'm writing to express my sincere thanks for.I could not have done without your help.Thank you so much.(你的生活和工作近来如何?我写这封信给你想要为表达真诚的谢意。没有你的帮助我不可能做好。谢谢。) During ,you give me a lot of help.First, you ,What's more,you . So it is your kindness and help that ,Now I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely support and assistance.(在…期间,你给了我很多帮助。首先,你…。此外,你…。正是你的善良和帮助使得。现在我想用这样一个机会。对于你的支持和帮助表达我深深的感激。) Thank you/Thanks a lot for your help again.(再次感谢你的帮助。 Yours, xxx Reading is my favorite hobby.I can never stop the love forreading because books are like wise teachers as well as goodfriends in my life. As we all know, books are the source of knowledge.I benefit a great deal from reading.There are a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books,science books,literary books and so on.But what interests me most is literary books, especially those by famous writers.For one thing, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons. For another, they can enrich my life and provideme with great fun.Isn't it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading?
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